Great googly moogley, I am back!

I know I asked for patience… Thank you.

When I asked for time to get everything ready, I had been going through some things in my personal life (no worries, it’s all good now) and then I went and got myself a full time job. The first one I have had in about 17 years at that point. As life would have it our world would just get busier. We were looking for a house, and we found one. For the last I don’t even know how many months we have been packing and moving and unpacking (and even still some more moving). I am used to my life being chaotic, I would welcome some calm now and then, but it’s ok. I never know what day to day life will be, so lets go for it.

As far as my craft work has gone, well, it hasn’t. see above, the chaos of a full time job, work and moving. My new house actually has a craft room, and once I get it organized I will be back with a whole lot of new things. I have a penchant for trying new things, but at this point, I feel the need to narrow my focus. I will mainly be focusing on fiber arts. I am always open to custom orders or suggestions, but this seems to be where my passion lies. With that said, I am still working on small projects here and there.

One thing you may not have known about me is that I am an avid book collector and reader. You know, they are different hobbies (just like collecting and using craft supplies). I welcome all suggestions, please, share your favorite books with me.

That’s it for me tonight. I promise, I won’t make you wait another year plus for the next update.

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