And so it begins.

I would like to introduce myself. I am a house spouse, mom of three, slightly crazy cat lady and avid crafter. I love books, coffee, being out in nature and travel. I also have a few chronic health conditions, so I spend a lot of down time making things rather than having idle hands. The reason for this page and my Esty site is that I got to where I didn’t know what to do with all of the things I was making, and I wanted to do something productive with all of them. I also really love doing craft fairs and local events. In the next year I hope to be able to do more. Years ago, I started an Esty page with an incredible woman, someone I am proud to call a friend. As our crafts were drastically different, we decided it would be best for us to have our own sites. We still support each other and even have an annual event we do together. If you want to see her beautiful work you can check it out here, you will not be disappointed.

I have been wanting to set up a place that would bring all of my creative outlets together for a long time. This page is it. I am glad you are here, and I hope you enjoy following along on my journey. Here you will find updates on what I am working on. Sometimes it will be a series of photos that lead up to a beautiful, finished product that will have a link to purchase, and others will end in failure. That is the nature of trying new things, isn’t it? Once I finish making the pretty things, they will be available on my Esty site for purchase. I do hope you will share pictures with me once they have made it to you. I enjoy seeing things I have made bringing joy to others.

Curious about the name of my business? Let me explain. In January of 2018 we were brought a small orange kitten. Our friend’s teenage son saw it in their yard in the midst of a snowstorm and refused to let it suffer. They knew my love of cats and brought it to me to see if we could help it. We never planned to keep him, but he melted our resolve, and my husband named him. After a vet check the next morning, he was given a clean bill of health. He was about three months old and just over two pounds. He was an incredibly small boy, but he had the biggest heart and was so thankful to have a warm home and food every day. He purred day and night for weeks. This is how Quincy came to live with us. We had challenges with him, he was rather food aggressive. Not that he would attack anyone to protect what he felt was his, but that we had to guard our food. He would sneak up and take food off of our plates, or sometimes boldly swipe things without any hint of remorse. He is still especially fond of tacos and pizza. It took many months before he would start to feel secure and know he would eat without having to steal. He gets fed twice a day now and he will cry at feeding times, real tears, and we tell him he will eat every day for ever. He gives head boops of appreciation and will even give us hugs. Quincy makes sure to keep me company when I work on things, usually snuggled up right next to me. If he isn’t there one of our other cats will be. They take turns ‘taking care of momma’ and I am never alone. I wouldn’t have it any other way. So all of this to say, Quincy, or little orange boy is the cat’s pajamas.

Our other two cats don’t have nearly the exciting story as to how they came to live with us, but they are loved just as much.


Piper is our sweet gray tabby girl, at eleven years old she is content to sleep on the bed or in a sunspot. Now and then she will get energetic and play for a bit. I love seeing her kitten-like energy when this happens. She came to us through a friend of a friend who had a litter of kittens to rehome. She is a quiet girl that wants her space, but when you pet her she will give the most beautiful low rumbles and she will smile at you. Her sister went home with my sister-in-law and she is just as gorgeous.

Henry is our ten-year-old boy with a wonky eye. He has some struggles because of scar tissue on his right pupil. He doesn’t see well, and shadows scare him. We have to be aware of him and the light changes and fast movements. The other somewhat unique thing about Henry is his coloring. He is an all-brown cat, right down to his nose. I had never seen a brown cat before him, and have only seen one other aside from him, his brother. Otherwise, he is a very happy cat that likes to snuggle next to us, beg for pets with a gentle tap on our arm or leg and play with his favorite tiny squishmallow.

I know it’s been a long journey for me to get to this point, but I am glad it’s here, and even more thankful that you are here. I hope you stick around and have fun with me on this crazy ride. That’s it for me, today. I hope you all have the best day possible and take care of yourselves.

