Category: Uncategorized

  • Great googly moogley, I am back!

    I know I asked for patience… Thank you. When I asked for time to get everything ready, I had been going through some things in my personal life (no worries, it’s all good now) and then I went and got myself a full time job. The first one I have had in about 17 years…

  • Please be patient; the dust will settle eventually.

    I promise. This project has been a long time coming and I am beyond excited to begin. Soon you will see pictures of my products, a calendar of events and the promised pictures of my cats. Often times photos will be of progress I am making on projects. When a finished product is highlighted on…

  • And so it begins.

    I would like to introduce myself. I am a house spouse, mom of three, slightly crazy cat lady and avid crafter. I love books, coffee, being out in nature and travel. I also have a few chronic health conditions, so I spend a lot of down time making things rather than having idle hands. The…