
Welcome to The Ginger Cat’s Pajamas! My name is Lis Miller and I am an avid crafter. I love creating things for others and sharing works of wearable and usable art. You will find me at craft fairs and local events and now here! I believe that all people should have a voice, supporting local and small businesses and caring for our community. My intent is for this page to be a landing space to connect with everyone in a more streamlined fashion.

The name of my business is inspired by my rescue cat, Quincy. He’s a wonderful feline supervisor and companion. He makes an appearance in many of my photos, as do his siblings Piper and Henry. While most posts you will see on this page will be related to the work I am doing and the products that are in process or up for sale there will be cat pictures. After all, that is what the internet was created for, right? 

Please join me on this journey and I would love to hear from you all. Please be sure to follow my socials and check out my etsy, too. Thank you for being here.
